Preliminary Trip Schedule for 2021

Jeremiah Pastor “Bullfrog” AcadianX Lead Adventure Guide

This is a preliminary list of possible trips AcadianX may take on in 2021.  This list is not set in stone but just a suggestion.  These trips will only happen if there are enough dedicated people to make it happen.  Usually about 3 people.  If you are interested in taking on one of these trips or have a suggestion for a trip you would like to take, please do not hesitate to let us know.  As usual AcadianX will provide a guide and handle all the planning and logistics leaving you with nothing to stress about except getting yourself ready and showing up.

Month of Travel Location Trip Type (Route)
February Everglades NP Paddling Trip (Wilderness Waterway)
March Death Valley NP Backpacking Trip (Telescope Peak, Cottonwood/Marble Canyon Loop)
April Olympic NP Backpacking Trip (Shi Shi Beach to Cape Alava)
May Yosemite NP Backpacking Trip (High Sierra Camp Loop)
June Kings Canyon NP or Sequoia NP Backpacking Trip (Rae Lakes or High Sierra Trail)
July Rocky Mountain NP or Maroon Bells Backpacking Trip (Teton Crest Trail or Northern Traverse)
August Grand Teton NP or Glacier NP Backpacking Trip (Teton Crest Trail or Northern Traverse)
September Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Paddling Trip (Lakeshore)
October Big Bend NP Backpacking/Paddle Trip (South Rim, Marufo Vega)
November Smoky Mountains NP Backpacking Trip

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